European Mars launch Scouts passed

The launch of two probes to Mars is successful.

Europe and Russia launched the probes from Kazakhstan. They should arrive at Mars in October. Called the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) remains after arriving orbit the planet. The TGO measuring the gases that the atmosphere of Mars and delves primarily into methane that would betray the presence of living beings. The second passenger is a lander, which Schiaparelli was baptized. The landing of this is a test for the arrival of a Martian Trolley in 2018.

Europe and Russia launched the probes from Kazakhstan. They should arrive at Mars in October. Called the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) remains after arriving orbit the planet. The TGO measuring the gases that the atmosphere of Mars and delves primarily into methane that would betray the presence of living beings. The second passenger is a lander, which Schiaparelli was baptized. The landing of this is a test for the arrival of a Martian Trolley in 2018.