Europe sends explorer to Mars

Europe begins Monday at a special new mission in space.

The launch is scheduled for 10. 31 hours Dutch time. Aboard the rocket include the Trace Gas Orbiter. Which should measure the gases there are in the atmosphere of Mars. The device delves mainly into methane, a gas that can indicate minor forms of life. A few days prior to arrival at Mars shows the satellite release a lander. Called Schiaparelli. The lander comes with a speed of 21 000 kilometers per hour within the atmosphere of Mars, brake friction and a parachute and must gently down onto the surface. Schiaparelli can drill meter deep holes to find out exactly what is under the surface.

Russia's mission is a chance of rehabilitation. The country along with China wanted the end of 2011 to send a probe toward one of the moons of Mars, but the launch failed. The vessel failed to make the long crossing. After a few weeks fared the probe into the atmosphere of the earth.