EU threatens Greeks exit from Schengen

The European Union is tired of Greece door for refugees to Europe wide open sets.

Within the EU, there has long been great irritation about the lack of border control by Athens. Since early this year came from Greece around 700 000 refugees in Europe. The patience of Brussels with the Greeks is now as good as, reporting insiders to the NIS. If the Greeks their border can not keep an eye on, threatening drastic measures. There could be seriously looked for ways to hold Greece to say. This Friday come in the Belgian capital, the EU Foreign Affairs Council. The Greek issue is high on the agenda.Prime Minister Mark Rutte took this week even though vehemently to Athens when he was in The Hague, Brussels correspondents bijpraatte on the Dutch EU presidency starting on January 1st for six months. The border between Greece and Turkey, where daily 10 000 migrants pass must shut tight. b If the Greeks their border can not keep an eye on the remaining EU countries have helped, he said. " This flow must be stopped before we can talk further. "