EU parliament denounces friendly politics Brussels

With friendly politics and shadowy promotions, the European Commission is playing a role for Eurosceptics.

That was the point of debate in the European Parliament about the appointment of the German Martin Selmayr as secretary-general of the committee. ' You undermine the confidence of the citizen '', said Sophie in 't Veld (D66).

The parliament asked Commissioner Günther Oettinger (Personnel Affairs) to clarify the 'super promotion' of the head of cabinet and party colleague of president Jean-Claude Juncker. In February he was catapulted to the highest official post on the day it was announced that the Dutchman Alexander Italianer left that place on 1 March.

Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) said he was 'ashamed of the Europe of the back rooms. '' According to Peter van Dalen (Christian Union) Selmayr is now 'burned Brussels praise. That is impossible to digest. ''

Dennis de Jong (SP) said 'step by step' to want to know how the appointment went. An investigation is coming from the Committee on Budgetary Control, of which he is a member. The European Ombudsman also deals with the affair.