EU code of conduct must keep robots in check

Europe sees a future in robots, but wants a code of conduct to prevent devices and other 'smart' technologies from causing damage.

According to the European Commission, this must be the core of a European strategy for the further development of artificial intelligence (AI) in the EU and the legal and ethical challenges that go with it.

Vice-President Andrus Ansip (digital market) states that AI, like the steam engine and electricity, changes the world completely. Technologies such as face recognition, self-driving cars and drones are already part of our lives and the development of 'self-thinking' systems is continuing. In order not to lag behind countries like the US and China, the committee is now proposing European steps at the request of EU leaders.

To begin with, the commission is deducting 1.5 billion euros extra from its research budget for AI for the period 2018- 2020 and 500 million from the European Fund for Strategic Investments for Start-ups and AI Projects. By giving European guarantees through this fund, better known as the Juncker Plan, investors step in faster and Brussels hopes to generate an extra 2.5 billion euros. Brussels also proposes to reserve money for the training of AI experts in the EU's multi-year budget after 2020.

Two weeks ago, 24 EU countries including the Netherlands signed a declaration to work together, including through their research laboratories. They want people to always keep control over machines. The committee presents ethical guidelines for AI applications before the end of the year.

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