Erdogan condemns US support Kurds

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has the support of the United States Saturday harshly criticized by Kurdish militias.

He fanned hence the smoldering fire that was caused by the publication of a photograph of an American soldier with a uniform sign of the YPG. That is the armed wing of the Syrian Kurdish Party (PYD). US withdraw the Syrian-Turkish border with the YPG in the fight against Islamic State.

,, The support given by the USA, the PYD and YPG... I condemn it, 'Erdogan said in the Kurdish metropole of Diyarbakir in southeastern Turkey. He called the Kurdish rebels,, infidels 'and,, Zoroastrians,' supporters of the mythical prophet Zarathustra.
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Erdogan joined his Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu.,, It is unacceptable that US soldiers wear the emblem of a terrorist organization, 'he said Friday. The Turkish government considers militant members of the YPG and PKK in their own country as terrorists.