Emotional farewell Orlando-heroine

The eleven children farewell Monday by Brenda Lee Marquez-McCool taken from their mother who died in the massacre in Orlando.

The 49-year-old Brenda Lee was fatally hit in the eyes of her son, Isaiah Henderson. She told her son that he should not flee and had to stay with her. That saved his life. 'I never thought that her life before my eyes would come to an end,' Henderson said violently into tears.

The children, aged between 9 and 24 years, spoke one by one during the emotional service at the First United Methodist Church. To avoid confusion, they introduced themselves as numbers.
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'You have to give attention to certain moments in your life,' said number 5, Farell Marshall. 'One minute you laugh mother and the next moment she is in her coffin. '

     Brenda Lee Marquez McCool saved her son.
     Photo: REUTERS

The children describe their mother as a great storyteller who always had her household shipshape. She was a strong woman who up to the last protected her child. 'She was a fighter,' said Marshall.

The heroism of the woman makes Mayor Buddy Dyer proud of his city, the Orlando Sentinel writes. Especially for women a day of mourning was set.

49 people died in the terror attack in nightclub at 12th of June. The 29-year-old Omar Mateen gunman opened fire with an automatic rifle.

Mateen, who was killed when police stormed the club was IS a trailer. He would also have been actively visited by gay-datingappsen more gay clubs.

The ex-wife of her ex-husband Mateen described as emotionally unstable, mentally ill and bipolar '. According to her, he was constantly angry and hated all kinds of groups, so they verrklaarde earlier.