Embassy 36 times in action at Rio

Stolen smartphones, lost passports, injury and a brutal robbery.

The victims have reported themselves, for example, physically pop upambassade (a temporary office at the Holland Heineken House) or via the dedicated 24/7 app of Foreign Affairs. A spokeswoman for the ministry said Saturday from Rio that there are also reports coming through the local police.

Two employees have been rushed to hospital after briefly before cyclist Annemiek van Vleuten made a huge smack in the road race.,, We saw that she was in good hands there. NOC * NSF had it well organized. '' Two Dutch were faced with a violent raid on their bed amp; breakfast. They were all robbed: tickets for the matches, medicines and passports. Meanwhile,, the perpetrators are caught. ''
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In many cases it comes to robbery and theft.,, People leave here on the terrace anyway just to easily allow their bags beside their chairs. That might in the Netherlands, but here you do not. '' Also reported are Dutch threatened with a knife.