Eagles of Death Metal band says all shows off

The American rock band Eagles of Death Metal (EODM) shall temporarily not stop.

The band announced Wednesday on Facebook for the time being not to act and to be with the thoughts of all victims. " However, we are proud that we still stand together, united by a common purpose of love and compassion ", according to the band, the message ended with the words " vive la musique, vive la liberté, vive la France and vive EODM ". (function (d, s, id) {var js, fis = d getElementsByTagName (s) [0];. if (d getElementById (id)) return;. js = d createElement (s). js id = id.,. js src = " // connect facebook net / en_GB / sdk js # XFBML = 1 & version = v2 3. ​​.... '. fjs parent node insertBefore (js, fis);} (document, ' script ', ' facebook-jssdk ')); While the band is now home safe, we are horrified and still trying to come to terms with what happened in France. Our... Posted by Eagles Of Death Metal on Wednesday, November 18th, 2015