Dutchman dead after fall from apartment Bangkok

A 21-year-old Dutch tourist died after a fall from a balcony in Bangkok

According to police, R. S. was in the apartment of a transsexual shortly before. The Dutchman fell down due to unknown reasons from the fifth floor and landed on a parked car at Khao San Road.

He was found multiple head wounds and broken bones. The Bangkok Post writes that the man had 'a romantic night' with the 37-year-old Phimonphat Korattana. The transsexual told the police that she had met R. a night earlier in a bar. According to her, R. walked to the balcony of the thirty-storey building when she sat on the toilet.

According to Korattana the Dutchman was 'under influence'.

There would be no signs that the couple had a fight. The police will look at security images.

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