Dumb burglar stuck in escape room

Most people go to an escape room to escape from it.

Owners Tamara and Rob Bertrand of NW Escape Experience in Vancouver, Washington, received a phone call from the local sheriff at five in the morning that someone had broken into them.

The couple hastily rushed to their case. Once they arrived they suddenly saw the comical situation. 'Eventually we could only laugh,' Tamara told CBS News.

During his burglary in the building, the man stole a remote control and a non-working mobile phone and then unsuspectingly stepped into the escape room.

There he first feasted in peace from a burrito brought with him. Then suddenly the panic broke out. 'We suspect he had forgotten how he had entered the room,' said the owners. In order to free himself from his plight, the burglar called the police, but to make matters worse he also gave a wrong address. The agents could trace the origin of his call. This way the burglar could be liberated and immediately reattached.

Tamara and Rob Bertrand are especially pleased that the burglar has been arrested. 'Fortunately, our employees are safe and there was little damage. After a few hours, we could just open our business again for regular visitors. '

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