Dijsselbloem must go

The Social Democrats (S \u0026 D) in the European Parliament wants Jeroen Dijsselbloem retiring as chairman of the euro group.

Dijsselbloem insinuated in an interview on Southern European countries who spends his money on booze and women ' 'should not expect to be helped. anyway the group was already a fan of his approach in the euro group. ' We assume that he loves the honor to himself. ''

The group board was unanimous. Group Chairman Gianni Pittella said he expected a clear apology from Dijsselbloem about his embarrassing and difficult ' wrong to interpret '' statements. ' This confirms that Dijsselbloem is unfit to chair the Eurogroup and therefore we call on him to move on. The euro group deserves a new progressive president. '

The Labour Party has three members in the 190-strong S \u0026 amp; D Group, including Head of Delegation Paul Tang. Who called Dijssel Bloems statements ' unhappy. ' ' He had better choose other words. But parliament is not about the Eurogroup, so we do not we about to let out. ''