Decorate Christmas tree is battle of the sexes

The desire for power creates annoyances during purchasing and decorating the Christmas tree.

1. Think in advance where to begin:

Conjugal inconveniences begin in the car. Explain why you resigned to the fact that you Tree and its standard will not find at a hardware store. For that several garden centers and growers should be visited.

2. See yourself as oproepkracht:

Important decisions does your wife. The lights will be probably different than last year. Like the ornaments. You can support the load, rough-and-drop from the tree. It is also wise to confirm how good her ideas.

3. 'Rigging' and 'beating' are close together:\n  \n  \n   advertisement

Do not pretend you know better. If man stands you prefer top of the monkey rock. Still, you can now create more humble to avoid a fight. Let your wife adorning the tree and assist where necessary. Please also the criticism that you 'never has an opinion about something' but the bargain.

A third of Dutch pulls this weekend to buy a Christmas tree and decorate. An underestimated event that requires some mental preparation.