Death penalty on raping children

Rape of children under the age of twelve is subject to the death penalty in India.

So far, rapists of children younger than twelve have been given maximum life-long survival. Furthermore, the government decided to increase the minimum penalty for raping children between the ages of twelve and sixteen from ten to twenty years. At the time of raping adults, there will now be a minimum of ten years in prison. That was seven years.

The Times of India newspaper reported that the decree on adjusting criminal law is now being submitted to President Ram Nath Kovind for approval.

In India, the moods have recently increased due to multiple rape cases. On the night from Thursday to Friday, a nine-year-old girl was found strangled in the state of Uttar Pradesh. An eleven-year-old girl was raped in the Chattisgarh state on Wednesday and beaten with a stone.

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