Dalai Lama: There are too many refugees

There are too many immigrants in Europe and it is not intended that Germany is an Arab country.

'If we look into the face of each individual refugees, in particular that of children and women, we feel their suffering. A man that is good, has the responsibility to help them, 'the cleric said in an interview with German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine. 'However, on the other hand there are the meantime too much. Germany must not become an Arab country. Germany is Germany. It there are so many that it is difficult in practice. '

'Also seen morale I think that these refugees should be included only temporary,' he adds. 'The goal must be that they can return to help rebuild their country. '
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The spiritual leader had been more reserved views on the refugee crisis in Europe. In the summer of 2015, he had words of praise for countries like Germany and Europe open their doors to asylum seekers, but at the same time he noted that there are limits to the possibilities to include thousands of additional people in a country.

In 2015, more than one million refugees in Europe. The vast majority withdrew after crossing by boat smuggling to northern countries like Germany and the Netherlands.