Croats all welcome to work here

The Dutch labor market will be open to Croats unhindered by July.

Croatia joined the European Union on 1 July 2013, which means that in principle workers from that country can work anywhere in the EU. But like other single Member States, the Netherlands has so far made use of the transitional regime that can be invoked for up to seven years, which meant that Croatian employees still had to apply for a permit.

However, Koolmees does not think that is necessary anymore. He does not fear that there will be a large increase in the inflow of Croatian employees, because this has not happened in other Member States that have previously abolished the transitional regime.

If the Netherlands opens up the labor market completely to the Croatians, Croatia will also do so with regard to Dutch people. Koolmees thinks that this will benefit the Dutch business community that invests in Croatia.

Croatia is the last EU Member State to which a transitional regime applies. Only Austria and Slovenia have indicated that they want to renew the transitional regime from 1 July onwards, due to its cultural and geographical proximity.

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