Convenient translation gadget also available for refugees

Travis the Translator, a translation gadget partly on Dutch soil, can be ordered from Wednesday, March 22 from $ 99.

For this, Travis B. V. has closed a collaboration with the American organization Open Learning Exchange (OLE), which facilitates educational programs for people in developing countries. Travis donated the Translator devices will be used in OLE centers in countries with many refugees as Turkey and Jordan.

'Many refugees face language barriers in the countries where they end up. We believe that Travis the Translator can help in removing these barriers and can give them a prospect of a better future. With the device refugees will be able to make a better start in a new environment and learning a new language, and they can thus help to deploy their full potential, 'said Lennart van der Ziel, CEO Travis.

Travis the Translator\n  \n   \n    \n    \n   \n   \n   \n      \n   \n     The international team behind Travis the Translator

Travis the Translator must enable people to hold talks with Chinese, Koreans and Russians, without a word of that language to be powerful. Translation gadget supports eighty languages ​​when a SIM card is installed. Offline there anyway twenty languages. Travis the Translator estimated from the location in which language you want translated text, but choose to manually too.

Travis the Translator can be ordered here.