Column: Save your holiday pictures

During the holiday, many pictures are taken with a smartphone or digital camera.

Half of all Dutch do not ever make a backup of their smartphone, while 33 percent do not save the holiday photos in a safe place. This is evident from research by Seagate, hard disk manufacturer. But what if your camera is stolen or your phone is in the pool? Then, thousands of photos are sometimes lost in redemption.

Make sure that you make a phone backup online, such as, for example, Google Drive, iCloud, or backups from manufacturers like Samsung. This will automatically save phone numbers, personal settings, and app data. Useful if you lose the smartphone or buy a new one. In this last case, you can put the backup on the new device.

You can also save the photos and videos, but that can make your cloud full, especially if you use free space at a service. Therefore, it may be useful to put the backup without photos in one place and the pictures elsewhere. For example, I have a backup of my phone in iCloud, but a copy of my photos in Google Drive.

In addition to using the cloud, it is also recommended to store photos and personal files in a physical location, such as on the computer or an external hard drive.