Column: A pot of Pokémon is best with cardboard

The Pokemon card game has existed for years, but is still very popular.

Whether I want to play a pot of Pokémon. No, not the digital version on a game machine, but that card game. Frankly, I doubt that Pokémon card game has just passed to primary school. And as a high school student you obviously did not want to be seen with games for children!

But okay, yes, yes. Finally, it's nice to know where those kids are always so fond of- and still being. Pokémon seems to have the Lego factor: nowadays every generation grows up.

'But Rolf,' I already think of you. 'This is a tech industry? What should I do with that cardboard? '

Well, it's like this: Buying a bundle of cards to expand your playing options also gives you digital access to your cards with a download code. This allows you to continue playing online with the cards you really have online, so if you have no fellow players. That gives a nice feeling. Your maps are not protected and you have them digital with you.

But yet I realize that real lovers prefer the smell of printed cardboard. Pressing a button does not weigh against breaking a package. Would that one card, which you have been looking for, be sitting on? On a screen, that is a lot less exciting...