Cohen wants to blow out of school

Michael Cohen is prepared to speak with special prosecutor Robert Mueller in the context of the Russia investigation.

'We tell the truth about Trump to anyone who asks,' said Davis to channel ABC. 'I think what he knows, what he has seen, will be found very interesting by the special prosecutor. 'Cohen has set up a website to raise money for his legal battle. 'Anyone who wants him to keep telling the truth about Trump can donate there. '

It remains to be guessed what kind of information the FBI has received from Michael Cohen. Cohens lawsuit is officially outside Mueller's investigation. However, the office of Cohen was searched by the FBI and his administration was confiscated.

How far Mueller is, remains unclear. Even after the surrender of Cohen and the 'guilty' of eight points of Trump's former campaign chief Paul Manafort, we do not know what Mueller has and what his next step will be.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for Trump and his team to portray the research as a 'witch hunt'. The Manafort case was the first major test for Mueller. The verdict of the jury, even if they consider Manafort guilty on eight of the eighteen points, is a victory.

Legally, the consequences for Trump are still limited. A seated president can in principle not be charged. Although that rule was never tested, the Supreme Court never spoke about it.

'Impeachment' is also still far away, but the threat has become more concrete, according to Trumps Witte Huis-staff. A lawsuit is necessary for this procedure and it seems to be there now. But deposition remains a procedure that requires political support, and it is not there now.

It is significant that Democrats in the Congress do not want to take the 'I-word' into their mouths. Republicans remain behind their president, or remain silent for the time being. Without a majority in the House of Representatives, an impeachment procedure does not get off the ground.

It is still difficult to estimate what Trump's supporters think of the recent news about Cohen and Manafort. Until now they always stood behind their president. Trump has been working for months to keep it that way.

As far as Manafort is concerned, Trump wanted to say that his case had nothing to do with Russian interference. He also said that he respected Manafort because he did not let himself be broken by Mueller.

Cohen invented 'stories for a deal' with Justice, says Trump. The president claimed in a television interview that he only heard in hindsight about the payment of tuition fees by Cohen to two alleged mistresses. Trump further states that the money came from his own pocket and not from the campaign card. The latter is again contradicted by both Cohen and Justice.

For his supporters looking for legal help, Trump had a tip: 'If someone needs a good lawyer, I strongly urge you not to hire Michael Cohen!', The president tweeted with a sense of humor.

Trump's constituency seems to have paid more attention to the arrest of an illegal person who would have killed a missing student.