Closing Guantanamo weather farther away

The planned closure of the US prison for terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is again a lot further away.

The aim is not only to close " Guantanamo, but also to build another prison in the United States instead. The estimated cost is approximately $ 600 million, which translates to about 566 million, say officials familiar with the plan. President Barack Obama has asked for revision.

For Obama is closing the prison, however, very important. He has since taking office in 2009, said that this had to happen before 2017 at the White House to leave. Guantánamo Bay is according to him, bad for the image of the US Moreover, detention of suspects on Cuba more expensive than incarceration in the US

At the naval base are still more than a hundred prisoners. Most of them are suspected of involvement in terrorist organization al- Qaeda and the Taliban. But the prison is controversial because there are many prisoners without trial or have ever been sued.

US looks or they can be transferred to military installations in the US states of Kansas and Sout Carolina. In addition, the US is in talks with other countries at least there to transfer some of the prisoners. It would be about fifty people. As recently five detainees transferred to the United Arab Emirates. Netherlands refused to take despite insistence prisoners.