Clinton fights in California

Hillary Clinton has a victory in the election in California on Tuesday probably do not need to win the nomination of her party for the presidential election.

A defeat feeds the doubts about her candidacy. She still has not shaken off its rival Bernie Sanders and doing in the last polls in California even slightly more for her under.

Clinton has the support of a few dozen delegates needed to cross the magic figure of 2383 and Sanders turn off final. Then she has the voice of more than half of the delegates and is therefore assured of the nomination. New Jersey, a medium-sized state rather than voting a few hours California, it probably helps all over the threshold. If not, Clinton has enough to a few percent of the vote in California to still win the candidacy.
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But it's the former first lady no longer make the decision in the primaries. She wants no delegates gather, but gain self-confidence and victory shine. With a series of convincing victories she hopes to show that she enjoys at all levels of party support, and then bind to the conflict with the Republican Donald Trump. Which on Tuesday launched campaign going is certain, but California determines whether it is a false start.