Christians under fire

The global persecution of Christians has increased dramatically last year.

         According to figures from the international Christian organization Open Doors, which annually presents a ranking of countries where persecution of Christians is heaviest.
According to the researchers take the violence increasing worldwide. Open Doors director Ruud Crane:,, A country like Sri Lanka this year falls out of the rankings. Not because it is better there with the Christians, but because Christian persecution in other countries simply have been intense. '
According to Crane, the actual number of deaths and the total number of destroyed churches even higher than in his registration after months of research,, because it is extremely difficult in some countries to register incidents such as North Korea or Syria. '
Particularly in countries where Muslim extremists competing for power and anarchy takes Christian persecution dramatic forms, as in Libya, Syria and Iraq. Flights,, or death, which is the choice facing many Christians be held in Syria. '
'Iraq has been since the advent of IS divided into three parts: Kurdish, relatively safe area, the territory of IS and the Shiite part. In the Kurdish part of the church can still exist but are radical Muslims. In the Shia, it is dangerous for the church to organize something outside their own building. '
In 35 of the 50 countries on the list is Islamic extremism, the driver of persecution of Christians, but also valve also detects growing religious extremism among Buddhists and Hindus.
,, Where in the seventies took place a rapid radicalization in Islamic countries, the same development now seems to take place in Hindu and Buddhist countries. We register in India for example, more and more incidents in which radical Hindus turn against Christians and the church. '