Christians celebrate Easter in Jerusalem


Christians from all over the world celebrate Easter Sunday in the Holy Land. The recently renovated Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem bore the Latin Patriarch Pierbattista Pizza Bella Mass on. The chapel stands on the place where it was buried according to Christian tradition, Jesus Christ rose again from the dead.

The heads of the different Churches in Jerusalem came to a joint Easter message. They speak it from the petition, 'that bestowed by our risen Lord hope the leaders and peoples of the world does see the light. 'All men are created equal and the human family must seek justice, reconciliation and peace, said the message. 'The resurrection and the empty tomb to remind us that pain, sadness and death do not have the last word, but God. '

This year there are more pilgrims Easter in Jerusalem than in other years. The Easter celebrations of the Western Churches and the Eastern Orthodox coincide in 2017. Moreover, the Jews celebrate their Passover, commemorating the flight from Egypt.