Christian Kern Chancellor of Austria

Christian Kern Tuesday in Vienna sworn in as Chancellor of Austria.

Kern sees as its main branch to stimulate the economy, which he will launch a special program. He finds the atmosphere mat in his country and wants to Austria as an economic product is again attractive. The new chancellor says to understand that before he needs the help of the conservative coalition partner ÖVP. But other political parties should cooperate to shape the future of the country, he said ahead of the inauguration.

Christian Kern on June 25 will also be elected chairman of his SPÖ. He was director of the railways and harvested in that function much praise for his performance in the refugee crisis. The railway played an important role in the processing of the flow of refugees. The refugee issue is again one of the main items for Kern, now as chancellor.
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Faymann suddenly resigned because he felt he had too little support within the SPÖ.