Chlorine fell from the sky in barrels

Helicopters from the Syrian government would Tuesday drums of chlorine gas have dropped on the Al-Sukkari in Aleppo.

In the streets of Al-Sukkari was a chlorine smell, said Ibrahim al-Haj, spokesman withelmen the spot assistance grant. In a shocking video of Reuters shows that young victims get an oxygen mask set up in the hospital.

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The rescue workers accuse the Syrian government of two attacks, which would have taken place last month. The United Nations has launched an investigation into the violence. Aleppo has been the scene of months of bloody fighting between various armed groups and the military. The Syrian government has always denied the allegations of the use of chlorine gas.

According to a recent UN report, the army of President Assad in April 2014 and March 2015 in Idlib province also uses chlorine gas. In August 2013 came near Damascus in 1400 people were killed by an attack with poison gas. Thereafter, the Syrian regime was under international pressure tack and chemical weapons were surrendered. Chlorine is one that does not matter because it also for other civilian purposes could be used against civilians.
