Child murder solved: 4-year-old girl finally has a name

More than thirty years after the 4-year-old Inass was found tortured and beaten to death along the A10, the police arrested her executioners.

In August 1987 the girl was found wrapped in a blanket along the highway near the municipality of Blois, right in the middle of France. Road workers found her two days after the toddler was left there. She had been terribly upset: her body was showing prints of an iron, she had old bone fractures and her left teaspoon had been bitten off. The bite tracks seem to be those of a woman. The investigating judge called it cannibalism at the time: bites had been taken from her body.

The parents, who after three decades of unsuccessful investigation were arrested last Tuesday, accuse each other of killing their daughter. The father, now 66 years old, says that he found the toddler dead at home one day. He claims that his wife was very violent towards him and their three daughters. The mother (64) says that her husband was aggressive and that she can not remember anything else. She admitted that she could be mean to her daughter, but that she did not kill her.

At the time the police suspected that the girl had been mutilated by her own parents, but there was nothing to be found about the nursery. Agents passed 65,000 schools and questioned 6,000 baby and toddler leaders. The girl was registered at a kindergarten, but has never been there. In all likelihood she was never treated for her injuries anywhere. In thirty countries her report was distributed: a girl of less than a meter long, twenty kilos, with brown curls and brown eyes. Several testimonials made hardly any useful information.

In 2007, DNA traces were identified using new techniques on the blanket in which Inass was wrapped. They did not yield a match for years, until last fall. The girl's profile was similar to that of a man who had been arrested for abuse. It turned out to be her brother.

Through this man the police urged the parents, who turned out to have seven children and have since been divorced. Since their arrest is finally known how the girl is called. Because the case was reopened in 2007, there can be no prescription.

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