Cheating colleagues riddled with bullets

Two colleagues having a secret affair with one another have to kill workers.

Municipality workers found the bodies of 32-year-old Lisa Smith and her colleagues Shakoor Arline (25) naked in a parked SUV in Philadelphia. Both were hit by several bullets in their heads, reports The Daily Mail. Research by the police shows that anyone opened the back door while the couple had sex in the vehicle. The shooter has nine bullets fired and then beaten on the run. Crime passionel'Aangezien nothing is stolen, there is a robbery was not the case. The police therefore assumes that there has been a "crime of passion". The park where the shooting occurred, is known as a meeting place where cheating couples often agree with each other.,null, So it goes without saying that our research focuses upon ", said police spokesman James Clark.,null, For someone apparently knew they were in the park and what they did there. And that person had difficulty with that. " The partners of Smith and Arline were questioned but no arrests have yet been made.