Chancellors Macron and Le Pen vote

Social-liberal candidate Emmanuel Macron and Navy Le Pen of the Nationalist Front National have cast their vote in the first round of the French presidential election on Sunday morning.

Le Pen voted in Hénin-Beaumont, also in Pas-de-Calais. Le Figaro newspaper reported that Le Pen expressed its voice with great interest in French and international media.

At the polling station where the Front National candidates voted for it, it was uneasy. Femen activists with masks, including a Marine Le Pen mask, were arrested.

According to the latest polls, Le Pen and Macron are contenders to continue to the second round of presidential elections on 7 May. Le Pen wants to negotiate with the EU after the elections to radically change French membership. It also wants to significantly reduce the number of immigrants.\n  \n   \n    \n    \n   \n   \n   \n      \n    \n    \n   \n     Photo: AP

Macron presents himself as an independent candidate for the political center. He advocates drastic economic reforms for France.