CDU, CSU and SPD negotiate on Tuesday

The representatives of CDU, CSU and SPD have once again not come true in the negotiations on the formation of a new government.

'We want it to happen,' said the secretary of the Social Democrats Lars Klingbeil after the talk round in Berlin. On Tuesday there must be conclusive about a big coalition. The distribution of the ministries has not yet taken place.

The negotiations had to be postponed again on Monday evening because the parties disagreed on several themes. According to Julia Klöckner, vice president of CDU, the issues are mainly in the areas of finance, health, labor law and foreign policy. The Christian Democrats were reportedly unwilling to adequately meet the wishes of the SPD.

Klöckner and her party colleague Daniel Günther said they hope that they will come to an agreement. In that case, there can be a coalition agreement on Wednesday, no later than Thursday.