Cave boys do not ask for too much homework

The young Thai football players who are stuck in a flooded cave have sent letters to their parents and their relatives.

It is the first time that they can make contact with their parents. The letters state that they should not worry. 'We are all strong. 'The young people also ask for food, including fried chicken, and one asks his teacher not to give them too much homework.

The 25-year-old coach who is locked up with the twelve players wrote to the parents that all children are doing well and they are being treated well by the rescue workers. 'And I promise that I will take care of the children as well as I can. Thank you for everyone who offers help. 'At the same time, he also apologized.

The youth football team disappeared on 23 June during a visit to the cave complex. Divers found the group only this week back. They are stuck at about 4 kilometers from the entrance.

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