Catherine sympathizes with victims attack

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, on Thursday informed empathize with the victims of the attack on Wednesday in London.

Catherine called the attack in Westminster, with four deaths, including the offender, and 29 wounded, 'terrible'. 'We think of all families. '

The duchess spoke Thursday in London for the first showing of the documentary Out of the Blue, which young parents are central problems. Catherine, mother of Prince George (3) and Princess Charlotte (22 months) spoke about her experiences with parenting. She called it a 'great experience', and admitted that it sometimes is 'a huge challenge'. 'Even for me while I'm home more support than most other mothers. '

According to the duchess nothing prepares you for motherhood, a huge change in life. 'It is full of complex emotions like joy, exhaustion, love and care. Your whole identity changes at a glance. 'Catherine told that she sometimes suffers from a lack of self-confidence and feel ignorant.

She emphasized that it is important also to talk about the less beautiful aspects of parenting. 'It's okay not easy to find. ask for help should not be seen as a sign of weakness. 'After the film Catherine talked to mothers who have been open about their struggles with parenting.