Cabaretiers benefit from muscle disease

Cabaretier Ronald Snijders is on September 14th with colleagues Mike Boddé, Dolf Jansen, Niels van der Laan and Jeroen Woe and Pieter Jouke in the Amsterdam theater Carré for the benefit of The Lachspierbal.

The performance follows an experience of Snijders, who played at the Gouda Schouwburg on May 30th for a full-scale room that was not laughed at. It turned out to be an action by the FSHD Foundation, who wanted to pay attention to this muscle disease that first affected the muscles. As a result, people lose their facial expression and thus their smile. The comedian has been setting up for the foundation as ambassador since this evening.

The Laugh Muscle Ball shows both new and existing work of the cabaretists. Ticket sales have started now.