Brussels: Recording refugees too slow

The EU Member States have incorporated the last four weeks of 2280 refugees, mainly from Greece and Italy, a near-doubling in a month.

This said EU Commissioner Dimitri Avramopoulus (Migration) Wednesday at a presentation of the situation in the refugee crisis. More than two thousand people have already been through asylum procedures there and be taken over by other Member States to settle in their country.

The agreement between the EU and Turkey, refugees from Greece takes back has led to a sharp decline in the flow of boat people from Turkey to Greece: daily 1740 average to since 1 May 47. For each reversed refugee adopt the EU Member States a Syrian from Turkey about. So far that way 511 Syrian refugees arrived in the EU.
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The stream that reach has tried through the central route Italy, on the other hand is picking up. Over the past four weeks, there were 14 852.