Brussels: Athens can do without extra support

Greece last year achieved its main objectives for capital support from the European Union.

That is what the European Commission says on Monday. Additional tax measures are therefore not necessary in Greece for the time being to make the country financially sound. Those were planned for 2020.

The government of Alexis Tispras deletes extra in pensions according to current plans and limited the tax-free rate for 2019 and 2020.

The country with relatively the largest debt burden in Europe in 2017 achieved a budget surplus, for interest and other one-off charges, of 4.2% of its gross domestic product (GDP).

That is more than twice the target (1.75%) that the EU and Greece agreed to after long negotiations. According to official figures from Eurostat, controlled by Brussels, Greece has achieved a budget surplus for the second year in a row.

'Good news', said European Commissioner Moscovici (Economic Affairs). This summer, the next negotiation talks are focused on concluding the support program that had to save Greece in several rounds when the economy was on the brink of collapse.

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