British government plan for Libya was rotten

The British plan to set up a government in Libya in case former leader Muammar Gaddafi would fall, was as good as worthless.

The British government is investigating the cause of the political drama unfolding in Libya after the fall of Gaddafi in 2011. The reconstruction plan called Duncan unrealistic and written by someone from behind his computer. It was not addressed in the document on the local tribes that fight began after the fall each other with weapons.

Duncan said the government went too far from that everything that happens after Gaddafi would be better would be . In Libya still rages a battle between militants and armed tribes. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Lord Hague conceded to the inquiry that Libya into a terrible shape wrong, because the West failed to take any strong action after the fall of Gaddafi.

For Libya we had plenty of plans, but no power to carry them out , said Hague. Former Minister of Defence Liam Fox criticizes that the British could do almost nothing to the developments in the country. He said the government knew that weapons from Libya to Niger and Mali among others were smuggled. That could only be stopped by sending soldiers, he says.