British government concealed failed missile test

The British government has concealed a failed test with Trident nuclear missile last year, several weeks before the House of Commons had to decide on modernization of the British nuclear power.

A Trident II D5 missile without nuclear charge got off course after the rocket was launched in June for the Florida coast from a submarine. Instead of going to the ocean, the missile bow down to American shores.

A spokesman for the Royal Navy said that ' disastrous failure '' panic caused by the government. Because credibility was at stake the British deterrent, the Government decided not to bring out.

The submarine HMS Vengeance was in December 2015 after a four-year refurbishment of 400 million back into service. The Defense Ministry denied a comment in front of the Guardian is not that the rocket fell out of the race, but said the trial yet to test the ship and the skill of the crew succeeded.