Brexit campaign fined for fraud

The British electoral commission imposes a fine of 61,000 pounds (almost 69,000 euros) on Vote Leave, the most important group that campaigned for the brexit.

The Electoral Commission says it has encountered evidence that Vote Leave has not complied with the regulations when working with a smaller group, BeLeave. A whistleblower had previously stated that there were close ties between the two groups. Vote Leave would have transferred money to bypass the 7 million pound expenditure ceiling.

Whistleblower Shahmir Sanni had said, according to British media, that BeLeave had virtually no control over the donation of Vote Leave. The money had to be spent at AggregateIQ, a company that uses data from social media to influence voters. Sanni said as treasurer of BeLeave not to have seen a penny of the money transferred. ' I had no control over it. Vote Leave decided everything. ''

The Electoral Commission confirmed Tuesday that there had been abuses. ' We found considerable evidence that the two groups had a joint plan, did not report their cooperation and did not keep to the legal expenditure ceiling, '' said Bob Posner of the election committee. The regulator refers the case to the police, because it would also have been cheating with documentation on campaign spending.

Vote Leave reacted dismayed at the accusations. A spokesman concluded that the election committee appears to have a 'political agenda' and comes up with several 'incorrect accusations'.

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