Brazils protests continue

The Brazilian president Michel Temer does not appear to be bombarding protests four months before the elections.

He hoped to get the country paralyzed by blockades and strikes back on Wednesday after nine days. But all kinds of actions are continuing and not just about the seventeen price increases of the fuel in May.

In anger, truck drivers ignited the latest price increase. Temer finally decided to delete it and also gave a discount on toll roads. On Tuesday, petrol stations were supplied by tankers that succeeded in achieving their goal.

But with the main fuel supplier, the Petrobras company, new strikes are starting Wednesday. They are aimed at the boss at Petrobras, Pedro Parente, and the market-oriented reform policy that has been the main focus since Temer came to power in 2016.

Elsewhere Brazilians express their dissatisfaction with failing healthcare, corruption, poor infrastructure, unemployment or violent crime. Some even call for a military government like that of the years 1964-1985.

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