Boston survivor dies in Ferrari crash

A 23-year-old American who survived the bombing at the Boston Marathon in 2013, died last weekend in Dubai in a car accident.

Photos of Victoria McGrath which was rescued by fireman James Plourde went around the world after the attack on.

At the crash with the expensive Ferrari came her friend, a Canadian boxer and his nephew. The four were killed when they at high speed against a pole reason. After the collision the car caught fire.


The car was rented by boxer Cody Nixon. Hours before the tragic accident, he posted a picture of the car on instagra. 'Just landed in Dubai Ferrari picked up,' he wrote there. 'Do not worry, I will not drive too fast;)'


According to local media, there was alcohol in the game, but it is unclear who was behind the wheel. At the site of the accident speed limit of 40 kilometers per hour, but the car was so hard that the car broke in half by the impact.

Victoria McGrath after the attacks in Boston.


Photos of Victoria McGrath which was rescued by fireman James Plourde went around the world after the attack on.

At the crash with the expensive Ferrari came her friend, a Canadian boxer and his nephew. The four were killed when they at high speed against a pole reason. After the collision the car caught fire.


The car was rented by boxer Cody Nixon. Hours before the tragic accident, he posted a picture of the car on instagra. 'Just landed in Dubai Ferrari picked up,' he wrote there. 'Do not worry, I will not drive too fast;)'


According to local media, there was alcohol in the game, but it is unclear who was behind the wheel. At the site of the accident speed limit of 40 kilometers per hour, but the car was so hard that the car broke in half by the impact.

Victoria McGrath after the attacks in Boston.




كشف المستشار صلاح بوفروشة رئيس نيابة السير والمرور في دبي لـ«البيان» أن نتيجة تقرير الطب الشرعي الصادر عن الشرطة أثبت أن سائق وركاب مركبة الفيراري التي انشطرت إلى نصفين واحترقت مساء أمس الأول، كانوا مخمورين. وأوضح بو فروشة تفاصيل الحادث المريعة، حيث قفزت إحدى الفتيات وانشطرت نصفين بعد انشطار المركبة بسبب اصطدامها بالرصيف ثم بعمود إنارة، كما قفزت الفتاة الأخرى مسافة 150 متراً خارج الطريق، وقفز الملاكم 200 متر خارج الطريق مرتطماً بالأرض بقوة. زُر موقع #صحيفة_البيان للتفاصيل

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