Bosses are constantly losing their dogs

When the owners of dog Marley came home with a new high-pile Ikea carpet, they came to the conclusion that they had made a big mistake.

21-year-old Harley and 23-year-old Matthew from England were ready for a new style in the living room. Ikea's dress would 'finish off' the living room completely, but when they came home with the acquisition, they were less happy.

The coat of Dog Marley matches exactly with the color and texture of the new garment. Harley and Matthew have already stumbled over the dog several times. 'There have been times when we were quietly watching TV and we suddenly wondered in panic where Marley was, while he lay quietly in front of us on the carpet. 'Tells the couple in English media.

The owners have now changed the layout of their living room so that they no longer have to walk over the carpet. Hondje Marlyn is now a hit on social media.