Boris Johnson has to stay outside

The British Conservative Party does not consider her main voting strike to be necessary in the forthcoming elections.

Johnson is on the throne of Prime Minister Theresa May, reporting both The Daily Mail and The Times. He has coincided with his statements about a Russian boycott after the poisoning attacks in Syria. In addition, Theresa May would not want recurring but always unrecognizable Johnson steal the show during the campaign.

Johnson's position is always controversial within the Conservative Party. He publicly opposed government policy by calling for Brexit last year. Many think that his decision has given the final breakthrough.

But Johnson is also loose and the truth is in his mouth a stretchable understanding. By giving him little space during the campaign, the chance of flaters is low, May thinks.

Johnson has many important appointments in the UK for the coming weeks. May, according to the initiates, would have been actively involved in filling his agenda. She does not need the voice cannon for the time being. At last, Conservatives stand at 49%, Labor continues to stagnate at 26%.