Bolt and Follender are not released yet


According to ELN, the release notice is based on an internal misunderstanding. The Twitter account apologizes for the resulting confusion and emphasizes that Bolt and Follender are in good health. The ELN expects that 'there will be a positive deconstruction within a short period of time. '

In the first few hours after the 'wrong message' there was a lot of confusion about the situation around the two journalists. Details about where the two were held, where they are or where they are brought, have not been brought out. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands could not confirm the release. The release has never been confirmed by the official side in Colombia.

Bolt and Follender were abducted in El Tarra in northern northern state of northern Santander, near the border with Venezuela. It is a mountainous area, which is considered unsafe by the presence of several armed groups, including the ELN. The journalists were looking for a biological mother of a Dutchman who was taken for adoption in Colombia.

Earlier, the governor of northern Santander, the department where the two were abducted, said in a conversation with the Colombian radio station RCN that he trusted the Dutch programmakers to be released on Thursday. On Twitter, the abductors also said Thursday on release of the two.

Foreign Minister Bert Koenders said Thursday that the messages spreading the ELN on Twitter are authentic.