Bizarre claim to inheritance 9/11 dead

A quarrel about the legacy of the wealthy stock exchange trader Michael Morgan Taylor who died during 9/11 has led to a bizarre ruling by the judge.

Gwendolyn Philips claims that her now 24-year-old son Austin is an illegitimate child of Michael. So he would have to raise the legacy of at least a million dollars.

A judge in New York has now decided that the remains of Taylor must be dug up and tested for DNA.

The 55-year-old sister of the stock market trader, Mary Crenshaw, is furious about the grave violation and says that it will only rip old wounds again, writes the New York Post. Crenshaw says that her brother and Gwendolyn had a relationship for a while. But she never knew about a child.

Gwendolyn is described in the Post as a woman who calls herself Lady Gwen the Ashborough. The now 57-year-old woman was previously in prison. She also said to have been world champion polo-player.

According to the (black) mother of Austin, the white Taylor did not want to acknowledge the child because he was ashamed of him.

The sister of the stockbroker is angry that the woman comes suddenly with the claim fourteen years later. The judge still doubts the story, because the mother had already said several times around birth that Michael Morgan Taylor would be the father.

If the stock broker is indeed the father, there are still new lawsuits that will show that he acknowledged at the time that the child was his.

Taylor was 42-years old when he died in the 9/11 tragedy in New York. Austin was eight years old at the time.

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