Bison Calf completed after action dumb tourists

The pathetic bison calf last weekend was 'saved' by tourists, was killed by park rangers.

The tourists, father and son, thought the calf was cold. They stopped the wild bison back their terrain vehicle that could warm the animal. A good deed, so they thought. They drove the animal to a ranger cabin, where they were thrown on the receipt. It is prohibited in the park to approach animals, and not without reason.

The rangers brought the calf back to the place where the tourists had found the animal and tried to reunite it with the herd. This did not work; The calf was rejected by the mother, probably because it had been in contact with people.
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It was decided to euthanize the animal because it approached his own cars and people, and was therefore a danger to visitors and themselves.

Yellowstone warns visitors: 'Keep away. Last year, five visitors were seriously injured when approaching a bison. '