Biologists find dolphin with stomach full of plastic

Researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway found to their horror in the stomach of a beaked whale thirty plastic bags and found a fair amount of other indigestible material.

'This so-called dolphin Cuvier was sick and in pain,' said marine biologist Terje Lislevand Thursday. 'There was nothing for it but to kill him. 'The two-ton cadaver research and preparation was transferred to the Natural History Museum of Bergen. 'The stomach was full of plastic bags and packaging including Danish and English inscriptions. 'The dolphin blubber was very thin and his intestines empty. This suggests that the animal through the large plastic plug in the digestive tract, the starvation was imminent.

In recent years coils increasingly cetaceans and birds on the North Sea coast, including the Netherlands, which have come to their end by plastic pollution.