Bill Cosby sees himself as Nelson Mandela

While his lawyers are still talking about his innocence and appeal, Bill Cosby is after his conviction mentally preparing for the prison.

'This is what they wanted', argues a bitter Cosby, the once-celebrated comedian, on Page Six after the Pennsylvania jury found him guilty of drugging and abusing Andrea Constand. During the trial, the newspaper was able to judge from his statements how he views his prison sentence. The prison, which he invariably called 'that place', can very well be the place from the summer where the eighty-year-old spends the rest of his life.

'If six send me there, I want you to be there to tell my story, because it seems that no one is listening. Nobody wants the real story, 'Cosby told the reporters. Already during his first trial a year ago, which ended in nothing, he spoke regularly, but since his conviction he has become bitter and rude, his statements peppered with curses and swear words.

He also reacted to a statement from the Public Prosecutor, Kevin Steele, who wanted to prevent Cosby from being released on bail, because he could escape with his private plane. 'I do not have a plane, you a ** hole. I'm really fed up with this, 'he shouted at Steele.

During the trial, too, his anger manifested itself in the uncovering of his teeth, the biting on his lips and the balls of his fists. Upon his return from the court he was greeted at the door by his most loyal supporter, his wife Camille. She gave him a hug and a kiss, tells a source that was there. His wife Camille and Nelson Mandela offer him comfort in his mental preparation for the cell, he says.

'I think back to the days when Camille and I visited Nelson Mandela in South Africa. He was a free man, but I remember our meeting with him on Robben Island where he had been imprisoned for years. I sat in the cell where he sat and saw how he lived, what he had to eat and what he had to endure. So, if they send me to prison, then I will have to endure that too. '

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