Bike Batman delivers Seattle bike back

Bike Batmans method is simple. At the sites Craigslist and Offerup. com he looks for suspiciously cheap offer bicycles and checks on a special website Bike Index or the conscious bike as stolen book. Then he speaks with the provider of the bike, which face-to-face given the choice: hand over the bike or wait with Batman Bike for the police.

A year ago started the unknown hero with his action, he told The Guardian, who does not reveal his identity. 'With the heart in throat, I had no idea what I was doing. 'In the meantime, he is working with the police. Half of the bicycle thieves who met Batman Bike was arrested thereon.

To fight never came, although he has an imposing figure. One time he let himself be absent when he threatened to walk into a trap and not one but four bicycle thieves appeared at the appointed place. 'I'm not out there to fight. I tell them only that the bike is not their property. '