Berlusconi taps voter on the fingers

The Italian former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi holds the voters partly responsible for the political stalemate in Italy.

The country still has no prospect of a new government one and a half months after the elections. The Eurosceptic protest party, the Five Star Movement (M5S), became the largest party, but an association of Forza Italia and other right-wing parties received a total of more votes. M5S refuses to join forces with the party of the Berlusconi who have been scandalized by scandals. That stands in the way of the formation of a government.

The former prime minister said he was still open to cooperation with M5S, but turned a different tone on Friday. 'The Five Star movement is a danger to the country,' Berlusconi said during a visit to Molise. 'It is not a democratic party, it is a party for the unemployed. '

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