Belgium caught vacant asylum seekers

Belgium addresses the problem of celebrating asylum seekers in their own country.

In most cases, there are Iraqis and Afghans. They escaped when they left for their home country from an airport from a country other than Belgium. Schiphol is attracted to people who want to conceal that they just go to their own family.

State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Theo Francken (N-VA) calls on his European colleagues in Het Nieuwblad to exchange more information.

Justice with our southern neighbors decides on a case-by-case basis whether a trip is allowed. Francken: 'There is a difference between someone who flies back and forth for a funeral or paper, and someone who is vacationing for three months. In the latter case, a dangerous situation may still be difficult. '

Francken promises cooperation with neighboring countries Germany and the Netherlands. Belgium also suits us when 'Dutch' asylum seekers travel through their airports.

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